
Just came back from the 12-week scan and I thought it’d be nice if, for once, I wrote a blog while still in that awed, giddy state I’m starting to expect at each ultrasound scan, rather than the place of bored and bitchy queasiness I usually write from. Because yes, these moments do somewhat make […]

How To Get Shit Done While Pregnant*

*NB – this blog post has most definitely not been approved by a medical professional, and probably wouldn’t be if subjected to scrutiny, but it works for me. To give you some context, here’s a wee update on how I’m doing right now: the nausea comes and goes depending on how hungry and tired and […]

Waning nausea, blog aversion and fighting shitty sex ed.

I have a confession to make: I’ve been avoiding this blog. In fact, I’ve been avoiding WordPress altogether. Why? Because thinking of the blog makes me think of the fact that I’m pregnant, which reminds me of the nausea, which calls attention to how I’m feeling right now, and given then I’m a hypochondriac as […]

24/7 sickness

Trigger Warning: this article talks about gross stuff. If you’re susceptible to mental images at the moment, read it at your own risk. Yeah because “Morning Sickness” is the worst case of false advertising I’ve ever fallen victim to. In movies and books, “morning” sickness is comically made out to be this cute little pregnancy […]

How Not To Keep A Secret – part 2

Because no, I am not capable of keeping such a massive thing secret, especially from my roommate who has seen us go to not one, but two different blood tests, plus various doctor’s appointments, and who must be wondering why I’m currently on a five-day weekend whereas I was fretting not so long ago about […]

Pregnancy rule n°1: Don’t Trust The Internet

Being bilingual gives you a serious advantage when it comes to research, which I decided to put to use to see what I could and couldn’t eat/do/think during pregnancy. Usually you can cross-reference your material and see what it all has in common. I decided to start with what I could and couldn’t eat. I […]

How not to keep the secret

The fun thing about living in Belgium is that they like to party. And it’s not just students (although they’re no exception, of course). It’s a traditional family thing, like the national worship of chips, chocolate and really good beer. Between Hallowe’en and Easter you have two or three extra festivals, one of which is […]